
Nidadavolu Ashok Kumar


Nidadavolu Ashok Kumar

N. Ashok Kumar has a total of 40 years of experience in research, teaching and consultancy in many areas of economics and finance. Twenty of those years were spent in core finance subjects, while the next 20 overs were spent in life insurance.

N. Ashok Kumar worked as a Lecturer at the Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (1980 – 82). Subsequently he worked as a Research Associate in the subjects of finance, economics and management at The Times Research Foundation (1982 –1991). Ashok Kumar also held the position of Associate Dean of the ICFAI Business School (1995 – 2000) and was Professor (Finance) at the Symbiosis Centre of Management and HRD (2000 – 2001).

Since the year 2001 he has been working in Life Insurance, first as the Head of Training in Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company (2005) and subsequently as Director, The Institute of Insurance Sales Training, a Division of IIST Consulting and Marketing Pvt. Ltd.

Ashok Kumar was a consultant to many of the leasing companies that were started in the 1980s. Tata Finance and ICICI Leasing Division, used his services amongst others. Subsequently in 1995 he was appointed as Advisor to the Institutional Finance Division of ICICI. His proprietary firm NNN Associates was listed in the IDBI Roster of Approved consultants for Project Appraisal, during the 1990s.

He was the Indian Consultant to UNDP (in collaboration with the Automotive Components Manufacturers’ Association of India) in 1993-94 on the assignment Exploring the Export Potential of the Indian Automotive Components Manufacturers. This exercise paved the way for subsequent export orientation of the automotive components sector.

Amongst the topics in Finance in which he has conducted research and/or taught include Project Finance, Balance Sheet Analysis, Time Value of Money, Shareholder Wealth Maximization and Cost of Capital, Security Analysis, Portfolio Management, etc.

He has published articles in various financial journals and newspapers such as Economic Times, Financial Express, Business India and Fortune India. He also co-authored two books in finance along with Dr. Rajas Parchure, namely, Introduction to Lease Financing (1983) and Mergers and Takeovers in India (1990). In 2008 he wrote a book titled You Are the Modern Financial Advisor, a book that deals with the subject of how to sell life insurance in the world of investments.

Ashok Kumar has also conducted research in non-conventional energy and has published a book by the title, Economics of Biogas Evaluation.

He has developed special modules for Individual Portfolio Management and Wealth Management. He is the author of the Courseware for Certified Life Insurance Financial Advisor (CLIFA) and the Courseware for Finance for Life Insurance Sales Professionals (FLISP).

Today Ashok Kumar specializes in teaching the basic concepts in Finance in a highly simplified manner for persons involved in sales and sales management of life insurance.


Nidadavolu Ashok Kumar

N. Ashok Kumar has more than 40 years of experience in the financial sector – 20 years in research, teaching and consultancy in finance and 20 in life insurance sales training. He has written 4 books and numerous articles in the subjects of economics, finance, life insurance and non-conventional energy.


Book Available On

Ignis Fatuus: The Delusions Created In You and For You by the Investment Sector

This book will help you become prepared for all the practical challenges at different and consequential stages of your JOB SUCCESS, i.e Preparation, Interview, Joining, Induction, Job Training, Job Behaviour, Salary Confirmation, Probation Period, Job Confirmation and Successful Promotion.
This is a handy, step by step beacon of light for students and job aspirants for becoming aware of the actual challenges in the way of employment success and organizational expectations. This book will help you be equipped with necessary professional skills and appropriate attitude towards the successful professional job achievement and career success.
It talks of SIX stages, mainly, that any job aspirant has to go through, practically, certainly. They have been discussed in the chapters, as mentioned below:

  1. Pre Interview Stage
  2.  Interview Stage
  3. Joining, Induction & Job Training Stage
  4. Salary Confirmation
  5. Probation Period // Job Confirmation
  6. Promotion
  7. Career Management & Growth
  8. Personal Effectiveness
  9. Problem Solution Skills
  10. Team Management & Leadership

Content of the Book:

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
More Chapter

Pre Interview Stage deals with almost all the important issues before an interview, that a graduate, a student or a job aspirant has to face. This talks of your:

  • Self Readiness for job
  • Job Search and Tools
  • Company Research
  • CV & Job Application
    (How to write an effective CV and a Job Application)

Second chapter of the book deals with the Interview Stage exclusively. It will help understand the following issues:

  • Preparation for an Interview
  • Appropriate Interview Behaviour
  • Interview questions and answers
  • Success in Interviewe
  • Negotiation and Job Offer Letter

Third chapter of the book deals with the next stage after Interview. Success, in the Interview only, is not enough, actually, because there are still a number of challenges in the way of success in salary, Job Confirmation and Promotion. This chapter deals with the necessary guidelines for the following:

  • Joining
  • Induction
  • Job Training
  • Suggested Employee Behaviours during Joining, Induction and Job Trainings

Fourth chapter deals with equally or more important and crucial issues being faced during your job everyday till successful probation. It deals with:

  • Employee Job Performance
  • Company’s Expectations
  • Suggested Employee Behaviour
  • Salary Confirmation issues
  • Job Confirmation issues

The fifth chapter deals with newer dimensions of your career and professional life. Growth and ability to grow in the organisation and professional life are challenging and of big importance. The chapter deals with the following:

  • Career Management
  • Successful Promotion Issues
  • Requisites of Promotion and
  • Benefits after Promotion

This will illuminate on how to perform standard and better than the competitive colleagues and how to become more eligible to get promotions.

Other chapters will deal with necessary and instrumental professional, executive, managerial and leadership skills, as under:
a. Personal Effectiveness
b. Essential Professionalisms
c. Problem Solution
d. Team Management & Leadership

This book is an easy step by step guidelines and training for success in Interview, successful job Performance, Salary Confirmation, Job Confirmation, Promotions and Career Growth.
I hope this book will be a very useful companion for every student and job aspirant. This book is an effort to be a bridge between the talent gap of the candidates and the Industry expectations & their own Success requirements.
** Besides the formal official work conditions, the new trend of online work has influenced work scenario, which has it’s own requirements. However, the importance of formal official works remains in it’s place.

Importance of the book:

  1. In India and in other developing countries of the world we face huge unemployment due to three main factors: Lack of Employment opportunities, Larger Population, i.e huge surplus of job aspirants and more importantly Non Employability. All these factors increase competition and challenges for every job applicant in getting a good job opportunity.
  2. There is more competition at the time of interview
  3. There are good amount of tasks before you achieve your salary confirmation and job confirmation
  4. There are more difficult competition at the time of promotion and career growth and you need to be already prepared to handle the dynamic challenges in healthy spirit
  5. This book is a bridge between the students’ talent gap and the Industry requirements
  6. This book will help you handle the challenges in applying for jobs, properly
  7. This will help you in making an effective CV and a good Job Application
  8. This helps you prepare fully for your job
  9. This trains you on “How to win interviews”
  10. This provides guidelines on how to behave during Joining, Induction, Job Training and Probation Period
  11. This trains you on how to perform well in the job and how to get promotions

I hope my readers will enjoy reading the book and will get a lot of help in solving their practical challenges in their career development and professional successes.


Ignis Fatuus: The Delusions Created In You and For You by the Investment Sector

Almost all investors who have taken professional advice to invest their hard-earned money have, at one time or another, faced fraud, deception and mis-selling from those selling mutual funds, ULIPs and shares. Some these investors have lost all their wealth and many have committed suicide since they could not withstand the financial loss.

Investors believe, by and large, that the fraud is perpetuated mostly by the agents who sell them the investments. The agents are only a small proportion of the persons cheating investors. The main actors are behind the scenes.

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